Modern, state-of-the-art IT-based enterprise management solution for wholesale / retailers and service providers
OnlineTrader combines the functionality required for all the business activities of the company - from the purchase documents to invoices issued.
Izstrādājot un nepārtraukti uzlabojot programmu OnlineTrader, mēs vienmēr domājam par tās lietošanas ērtumu - cik iespējams mazāk darbību, lai veiktu konkrētu uzdevumu, automatizējot visu, ko iespējams automatizēt. Nākamā lieta, kam tiek pievērsta liela uzmanība ir lietotāja saskarnes, jeb interfeisa, ērtums. Trešā, bet ne mazsvarīgākā lieta ir tā, ka risinājums OnlineTrader ir web-bāzēts, jeb tiešsaistes risinājums, kas nodrošina mobilitāti, nepiesaistot sistēmu konkrētiem datoriem.
Smart inventory management Before you make your first sale, you have to be aware of what you have in your stock. Or on your partner warehouses. See your inventory for all products, product groups, or specific product Define minimum stock amount for fast-moving products and re-order them automatically Move items between warehouses Browse ordering/selling history with one click Smart search by article number, name, barcode, or other characteristics Generate an order form for items you need to purchase with a few clicks |
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Effective purchasing Sometimes choosing the right vendor is key to surpassing your competitors. How to choose? Is Price the queen? Frequently it's a mix of price, delivery terms, and other factors.
Customer and Partner database + CRM Yet another important factor to succeed in repeated purchases is how you keep data about your customers. Say thanks for purchases and remind them about special offers and promotions from time to time.
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Invoicing Now the fun part begins. Your customer is satisfied with your product/service and is willing to pay for it. Sounds easy, right? However, money collection is delegate process and it must go smoothly.
Analyze your performance with reporting tools How am I performing? Was it a thought week or month? Let's see what it looks like in reports.
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Administration and integrations How can you make things happen faster and avoid maximum human errors? Right - you automate everything that's possible and take away all distracting things so your most valuable resource - employees can perform at the highest.
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Software OnlineTrader is adaptable it to specific customer needs, making the necessary changes.